Case Study of : Increasing Business Efficiency

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    Detroit Hives is one of the largest honey sales’ firms in this industry but have been having problems in the back end with their books because so much time was going towards their unproductive tasks, which could be automated.


    Client Name: Dew Sommersberry
    Industry: Food
    Location: Sydney, NSW
    Size: 15-30 Staff

    Detroit Hives is a honey business, who’s drive is to provide customers with the best honey in the state to satisfy their cravings.

    "Oysterhub help clear our mind so we can focus on providing honey of high quality."

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    The Challenge

    Detroit Hives is a business in the food industry who’s passion is to make honey and provide honey for the people to enjoy. Their focal point is not automation. The challenge lied in Detroit Hives inability to automate any of their processes whereby everything was still paper based meaning that they had to attribute an additional 10 hours per week on unneccesary means of productions.

    The Approach

    We had to completely revamp the systems in Detroit Hives and put all their receipts and paperwork onto a cloud based system. Although initially we understood this would take some short term hits of inefficiency to their business long term would ensure sustainability.

    "Our passion is automation - our passion is helping businesses save time to live out their passions."

    The Results

    Finding the pearl

    Oysterhub were able to facilitate in some phenomenal traction for Detroit Hives. After careful planning and consideration and then inevtably application of this information we were able to enforce certain procedures that maifested in fruitful automation cooming into fruition.

    By implementing Quickbooks services, receipt banking etc. we have been able to provide a platform for automation to kick into play moving all the paperwork and documentation to an online cloud based system.

    Throigh this Detroit Hives have not only be able to save projected tens of thousands of dollars in the upcoming years the biggest win from their mouth has been “time”. Giving them another 10 hours per week in time coming from them previously investing it into these unproductive tasks.

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    Feeling stuck in the business?


    Are You Struggling With Your Business Number?

    Article written by:

    Adarsh Dutt


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    I have never found a more passionate finance broker than Vik and his team at Oysterhub. We were about to lose our house when our business took a down shift. Vik saved us from getting a finance deal approved when banks shut the door at us. It's great to work with people who actually care about people not just profits.

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    I have never seen someone more passionate tax accountant than Adarsh about wanting to help people save time on their menial processes - makes me wonder the experiences in business he has gone through but I'm not complaining I am thankful for it. He is the only tax accountant who has helped me save an extra 8-10 hours per week on lazy accountant tasks and facilitate in enabling me to put these tasks to more productive areas.

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