Getting ATO Payment Plan

Are you struggling to get ahead of your tax debt and need expert help?

At Oyster Hub, we review your entire tax situation with the ATO through a seven-step process that will determine whether an ATO Payment Plan or ATO Tax Debt Negotiation is required.

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Get Help with ATO Tax Debt Payment Plan

Avoid More Stress & Stop Further ATO Recovery Action By Acting Now To Get Expert Help With Your Tax Debt

If you are getting pressured  by the ATO and have received a letter of demand, garnishee notice, director’s penalty notice or bankruptcy notice from ATO act now and save your business from forced closure.

Our expert tax accountants have helped many small businesses struggling with ATO payment plan and can help you manage your tax debt payment plan and represent your case to ATO and save your livelihood … your business. 

How our expert tax accountants can help you:

Many Small Business Owners Have High ATO Tax Debt and Require ATO Payment Plan Because of Poor Business Advice.

We find that 80% of accounting and bookkeeping errors for small businesses have led to high ATO tax debts.

Our small business tax accountants will work with you to get you a payment plan and review your business so you move forward without constantly worrying about the ATO constantly watching over your back. 

Sloth Accountants 

Consider alternative options if your accountant has been unresponsive and hasn’t given valuable advice on how to minimise your tax.

Director’s Capacity To Pay

Directors can be held personally liable for ATO tax debts, including overdue superannuation and PAYG liabilities, even if the business ceases operation.

Ignoring ATO Reminders 

Neglecting ATO reminders or your accountant failing to lodge your ATO obligations on time can lead to serious consequences

Forced To Pay ATO Tax Debt

The ATO has the legal authority to issue notices and directly withdraw overdue debts from your bank account

Do you often feel that your Accountant is a Sloth, and you are constantly playing catch-up with ATO compliance and payment plans?

Many business owners come to Oyster Hub for emergency accounting support due to accumulating ATO debts, despite their accountants filing the necessary documentation on time. Before they realize it, their business debts become personal liabilities, and they’re left feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. Ignoring the problem will only make matters worse. At Oyster Hub, we strive to provide our clients with actionable solutions to resolve their ATO debts before it spirals out of control.

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How We Manage Your ATO Debt And Payment Plan

Late lodgement of your tax return or BAS can result in heavy penalties from the ATO, but running away is not the solution.

We have a proven track record of successfully challenging ATO penalties and interest with over $200,000 refunded to our clients. Let us help you take control of the situation and buy you the time you need with ATO.

Before we seek and negotiate with ATO, the first step is to get your tax debt under control and establish a reasonable payment plan with ATO. 

Establishing a manageable payment plan with the ATO upfront and honoring it is crucial to maintaining a good relationship with the ATO. Failing to comply or constantly seeking to renegotiate may result in the ATO being less willing to work with you in the future.

Our team at Oysterhub specialise in negotiating with the ATO to help our clients secure tax debt relief. Our team has extensive experience and a deep understanding of ATO’s priorities and policies so we can represent our clients effectively Whether you need help negotiating a payment plan or resolving a tax debt dispute, we are here to help you achieve the best possible outcomes.

There can be many reasons why you have high tax debts. At Oysterhub, we conduct thorough analysis and review your previous years  to identify find potential tax-saving opportunities.

  • Your Personal Circumstance 
  • Was a default assessment made by the ATO due to non-lodgement
  • Unpaid Super 
  • Director Penalty notices 
  • Maintaining your well-being

Dealing with tax debt issues can be stressful. Oysterhub can communicate with the ATO on your behalf and let them know that we are handling your caseto alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with dealing with the ATO.

When you come to us with a large ATO debt, we take the time to thoroughly investigate the reasons behind it.

  • Was there Director Penalty Notice Issued
  • How much is General Interest Charges from ATO
  • Penalty Notice Issued By ATO
  • Did you get Default Assessment from ATO for NON-Lodgement?
  • Was your Accounts Done Correctly by previous Accountant
  • Look for Tax Saving Strategies that can apply

ATO Mostly don’t negotiate debt or payment plan unless all your obligations, such as BAS, Tax Returns, Super Forms, FBT, and PAYG Summaries are up to date. Our first priority is to ensure that you are ATO compliant so that we can work towards negotiating a manageable payment plan for you.

  • Lodge all ATO Obligation
  • Amend Default ATO Assessment 
  • Amend Your Accounts Done Incorrectly
  • Apply 200+ Tax Saving Strategies
  • Look for Way to reduce your ATO debt. 

If your ATO payment plan has been declined or your have defaulted on the payment arrangement, you need to seek immediate help with our expert tax accounting team. We can assisst you in minimising your risk of business closure  due to ATO action. Call (02) 9158 5444 to get the help you need.

Do you have a Problem ATO Payment Plan?
A cancelled ATO payment plan can still put your business at risk of legal action or bankruptcy, even if you’ve been making payments on time. This can happen if you don’t meet other ATO obligations, such as lodging your BAS or other returns. To reduce your risk and consolidate your tax debt, consider a tax debt loan.

Has the ATO Threatened to Wind Up your Business?
The ATO has the power to force a liquidation of your business if there is significant unpaid tax debt which can result in the removal of your business. However, our team has helped clients in similar situations by securing finance and allowing their business to continue even in the face of wind-up orders or court proceedings.

Not settling ATO Debt can have severe consequences on your business including its closure. As a director of a company, you can be held liable for the outstanding debt which was not paid on time. Immediate actions should be taken upon ATO notifying you. Oysterhub can negotiate on your behalf with the ATO and ensure that the debt is valid. If it invalid, then a dispute can be raised. Our team can also seek an extension to give us time to prepare your case.

Ensuring that all of your ATO lodgements are up to date is a critical first step in negotiating an ATO payment plan for your tax debt. At Oyster Hub, we take the time to thoroughly assess your situation and develop a payment plan that is tailored to your unique circumstances.

  • Get your GIC & Penalties Remitted
  • Provide ATO with Cashflow Analysis for Business
  • Negotiate Payment Plan